The Finnish Kehoäly®
Body Intelligence® Method includes a wide range of versatile and
effective health exercises. The most fundamental basic exercise is
The Vital Form™, and at its key foundational exercise is The
FreeFlow™ Stance (in Finnish Virtaava asento).
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The Vital Form™ includes
several versions, each with its own specific function depending on
what each practitioner needs in their particular situation.
Generally, Tapio Sippoin teaches beginners of The Kehoäly® Body
Intelligence® Method the so-called regular Vital Form™ first. It
consists of over 70 healthy micro-exercises. Once this is learned,
The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method practitioner can move on to
the so-called extensive Vital Form™, which contains well over a
hundred healthy micro-exercises. In Finnish, the name of The Vital
Form™ is Elävöittävä liikesarja®.
Other versions of The Vital Form™ include one designed for rehabilitation and older individuals, as well as a variation focused on mastering FreeFlow™ skills. Longer version of The Vital Form™ is an extended and more diverse version of The Vital Form™, that is specifically designed to strengthen and heal the nervous system. All variations of The The Vital Form™ are entirely based on The FreeFlow™ Stance of The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method. The Vital Form™ comprises over 100 micro-exercises, all of which originate from the FreeFlow™ Stance and always return to it.
The FreeFlow™ Stance is relaxed and vibrant. When we stand in it, we are in harmony with the force of gravity, allowing our internal organs, brain, and nervous system to rest and recover from the stresses of everyday life. With The FreeFlow™ Stance, you can release stress and restore the latent potential of your Body Intelligence to its rightful value.
Master Tapio Sippoin teaching The FreeFlow Stance to Juha Jäntti ja Olli Posti. |
Initially, The FreeFlow™
Stance and maintaining it might seem amusingly challenging. This is
often due to the inherent tensions in the body and incorrect postures
that do not support optimal vitality. As a result, The FreeFlow™
Stance may differ significantly from a person's usual stance. This
practice is a crucial component of Body Intelligence and serves as
the most important exercise within The Vital Form™.
In The FreeFlow™ Stance,
the internal organs enjoy maximum space and can relax completely.
This makes The FreeFlow™ Stance highly beneficial for overall
health. Most of the health movements in The Vital Form™
(micro-exercises) originate from this position, with a few
exceptions. During the movements, the back, legs, and head remain in
The FreeFlow™ Stance unless specific movements require otherwise.
After completing The Vital Form™, as well as between sessions and
during breaks, you can take a moment to stand in the FreeFlow™
Stance, allowing yourself to feel the soothing flow of vitality
within you.
This is how You can do The FreeFlow Stance!
The world is changing, and
people are changing every day. The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence®
Method supports us through this ongoing transformation. Because of
the ever-changing nature of our lives, The FreeFlow™ Stance varies
slightly for each individual every day, as we ourselves are somewhat
different from who we were yesterday. Therefore, practicing the
Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method is a continuous process of positive
empowerment. Kehoäly also serves as a meditative skill. When
practicing The FreeFlow™ Stance, the power of the mind plays a
crucial role. Utilize your mind to help you achieve a state of
maximum relaxation in The FreeFlow™ Stance.
At the outset of your
learning journey, the FreeFlow™ Stance may present a challenge to
your body, which has spent years adapting to improper standing
postures and alignment patterns. You may have unconsciously tensed
various muscles while standing, and you might not have experienced a
true sense of relaxation and connection to the ground, as well as a
harmonious relationship with gravity.
With The FreeFlow™
Stance, you learn to befriend the force of gravity; your body rests
on the ground while simultaneously feeling your spine relax and
stretch healthily. In The FreeFlow™ Stance, your posture is both
upright and relaxed. You know you have mastered The FreeFlow™
Stance when you can stand in it for a couple of hours and feel more
refreshed afterward than when you began.
A beginner should keep in
mind the principles of Gentle Practice and Slow Hurry (or 'take your
time') from The Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method when starting to
learn The FreeFlow™ Stance. Initially, The FreeFlow™ Stance may
feel heavy, as it exposes accumulated poor posture habits and muscle
tension in the body. In The FreeFlow™ Stance, the goal is to stand
as relaxed as possible. However, as the body begins to realign
itself, beginners may find that they need to tense their muscles
slightly at first in order to gradually adopt the relaxed and upright
posture of The FreeFlow™ Stance correctly.
If a beginner is dealing
with high blood pressure, it is essential to take this into
consideration. The FreeFlow™ Stance can enhance overall health, and
often, individuals may find that their high blood pressure decreases
significantly while practicing it, which can be quite surprising.
Therefore, those with high blood pressure should start by practicing
The FreeFlow™ Stance for just a few minutes at a time. Consistent
practice, ideally on a daily basis, is crucial for mastering The
Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method. Even a small amount of practice
each day from the outset can be beneficial.
Stand with your feet
shoulder-width apart, ensuring that your toes are pointing straight
ahead. The center line of your feet should align directly forward,
not just the big toes. If needed, measure the width of your
shoulders, as some individuals may have a skewed perception of this
measurement. Beginners may choose to position their feet
approximately five centimeters wider than shoulder-width for the
first few weeks to better understand the significance of a stable
standing position in a lateral direction, particularly for Kehoäly
Body Intelligence and the FreeFlow™ Stance.
Maintain an even
distribution of your body weight across both feet. Ensure that the
weight on each foot is equally balanced between the ball and the
heel, as well as evenly distributed across the inner and outer edges.
The midpoint of the ball of your foot and the midpoint of your heel
should create a line that extends forward and backward with
consistent width.
Maintain a slight bend in
your knees, ensuring that the knee joints are not locked but rather
gently flexed. However, your knees should not extend past the line of
your toes; they should be only slightly bent. Keep your shoulders and
arms relaxed, allowing them to hang freely at your sides. Position
your head comfortably between your shoulders. Direct your gaze just
below your eyebrows, looking straight ahead. Cultivate an inner
awareness of stretching upward, as if you are being gently lifted
from the crown of your head.
You connect with the
ground beneath you, sensing the way it cradles your body. The earth
envelops you, providing support and reminding you that it is a
steadfast friend on which you can rest your feet. This connection
allows your muscles to remain largely relaxed, conserving energy for
your brain and nervous system. Imagine your pelvis resting gently
atop your legs. Bring your attention to your tailbone, which extends
downward. Your buttocks are relaxed, and your lower abdomen is at
ease. Your chest is open, and your upper back is free from tension.
For many individuals who
spend excessive time at the computer, a subtle postural issue may
have developed over the years, causing the head to protrude slightly
forward, beyond the shoulders. If you find yourself in this position,
where your head is slightly pushed forward, consider practicing
better posture using The FreeFlow™ Stance. To do this, gently push
the back of your head backward while allowing your gaze to shift
beneath your eyebrows. Be careful not to lift your chin; instead,
maintain a neutral position for your neck. Ensure your shoulders are
relaxed at your sides and your arms hang loosely by your body.
Essentially, aim to move your head back in line with your shoulders.
Remember to do this as relaxed, softly, and gently as possible.
In an optimal The
FreeFlow™ Stance, your back remains relaxed and straight, as if
someone is gently lifting you from the crown of your head.
At the same time, the
soles of your feet sink into the ground, and your spine gently
stretches and lengthens. Do this as relaxed and gently as possible,
allowing your spine to lengthen while feeling the strength of your
legs on the ground.
You are now in an excellent The FreeFlow™ Stance. Your entire body is completely relaxed, and your breath is flowing freely through your nose.
You can gently shake your abdomen, back, and buttocks with your hands to ensure they are relaxed. Additionally, you can scratch your body in areas that feel good or where you want to boost your energy, such as on your head and neck.
Elevate your well-being with Kehoäly® Body Intelligence®—a revolutionary health method meticulously crafted to boost your work capacity and melt away stress. This transformative approach not only promotes health but also ignites creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and sharpens cognitive abilities.
Immerse yourself in gentle self-care practices that cultivate vitality, engage in exercises designed to fortify your nervous system, and explore a diverse array of functional health movements. Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training masterfully blends the finest aspects of physiotherapeutic self-care, psychotherapeutic bodywork, and natural vitality awareness.
It's important to note that Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® transcends traditional physiotherapy and psychotherapy; it embodies a holistic approach to psychophysical self-care through bodywork. By integrating these powerful techniques into your routine, you hold the key to not just maintaining but also enhancing your work capacity. Unlock your potential and thrive with Kehoäly® Body Intelligence®!
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