lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2025

NSB Form™, the Nervous System Balancing Form™


The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method is a Finnish innovation aimed at improving health and quality of life. It combines three health-enhancing elements: strengthening natural vitality, physiotherapeutic self-care, and psychotherapeutic bodywork. As a result, the practitioner’s nervous system becomes strengthened and balanced. One important exercise for strengthening the nervous system is the NSB Form™, which in Finnish is called Hermoston Tasapainotus Liikesarja, or in English, the Nervous System Balancing Form™.

All exercises in the Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method strengthen and balance the nervous system and brain functionality. Some of these exercises require the practitioner to have relatively good health and a reasonably normal condition of the nervous system. Therefore, Tapio Sippoin developed a particularly gentle exercise series (NSB Form™) in the 1990s that can be used to support the health of the nervous system even for those facing more serious challenges related to their nervous system and health. NSB Form™ is a highly versatile exercise in the Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method, suitable for ordinary people, those dealing with work-related stress, top athletes optimizing their performance, individuals recovering from nervous system diseases, and anyone wishing to significantly slow down the negative neurological effects of aging.

The Approach of Gentle Training and NSB Form™

NSB Form™ is an extremely gentle exercise, and learning it is relatively quick since it consists of practically only three types of exercises that are applied to the entire body. These are contact rotation, arm circles, and palm exchanges. With these, one can effectively but gently strengthen the nervous system, even if it is relatively weak when starting Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practice.

All Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training is designed to support and strengthen the nervous system. At the heart of the NSB Form™ training lies the same fundamental exercise as in the Vital Form™, known as the FreeFlow™ Stance. This exercise, the FreeFlow™Stance, is worth exploring in detail on its own.

Emotions and Body Intelligence®

Training in Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® enhances and balances emotional well-being while contributing to the creation of meaning in life. The interplay between the central nervous system, the brain, and the peripheral nervous system is vital for overall health, and this is where the Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method offers its finely honed and unique expertise. At its core, Kehoäly promotes optimal and best possible communication between the mind and body. When this communication is dysfunctional, individuals may feel incomplete, leading to a diminished quality of life. For this reason, a wise individual actively engages in the exercises offered by the Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method.

The Brain and Body Intelligence®

Physically, the focus of Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training is the brain. One purpose of the skills learned in Kehoäly® is to help a person adapt to changes. The brain is constantly changing throughout life. Thanks to neuroplasticity, the brain can adapt to new experiences, learn new things, and recover from injuries. This means that even as one gets older, it is possible to learn new skills, such as using the body creatively, solving problems, playing an instrument, or learning a foreign language. Regular Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practice improves sleep quality and the body's ability to rest and recover. Sleep is extremely important for brain function. Sleep not only helps us recover physically, but it also assists our brains in processing and organizing information. During sleep, the brain "cleans and tidies" itself and strengthens what we have learned.

The human brain weighs, on average, about 1.3 to 1.4 kilograms, but it contains over 86 billion neurons. This makes the brain one of the most complex organs in your body. The brain has no pain receptors and no emotions, yet it is the brain that creates all of our pleasurable experiences, produces creativity, the ability to solve problems, and other cognitive skills essential for a meaningful life. In this sense, the Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method strengthens and nurtures the nervous system.

NSB Form™ is an excellent exercise. Without a functional nervous system and brain, a person is simply an emotionless piece of flesh, a water-filled sack of skin. Regular Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practice also affects communication between the brain hemispheres. While both hemispheres work together, they can specialize in different tasks. For example, the left hemisphere is often associated with language and analytical thinking, while the right hemisphere is more visual and creative. Regular Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practice transforms a person so that their bodily lateralization decreases and they become more holistic, including in terms of the nervous system. NSB Form™ is an easy and gentle way to start such training.

Your brain processes an astonishing amount of data every moment. A single millimeter-sized piece of your brain can hold over 2000 terabytes of information, and easily, over 200 billion times the amount of information in this text can be stored in it. The brain accounts for only 2 percent of the body's weight, but it consumes over 20 percent of the body's energy. Your brain is the most expensive organ you maintain per unit of matter. In return for this, it should also be incredibly efficient. Regular Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practice may enhance that efficiency.

You Can Start with the Vital Form

Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training has been taught for over 30 years. It is a gentle method focused on health and well-being, with concrete positive effects on health. One of the cornerstones of Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training is the Vital Form® (Elävöittävä liikesarja), which Tapio Sippoin first taught in 1983. The Vital Form is more than an ordinary health exercise series, as it activates and strengthens both the body and mind, guiding practitioners toward a deeper connection with their inner vitality. The simplicity of the Vital Form makes it easy for everyone to learn, regardless of their fitness level.

The clarity of the Vital Form® ensures that anyone, regardless of their starting level, can participate and benefit from practicing it. It is recommended that Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® practitioners first perform the Vital Form and then follow it with the NSB Form™ exercise. However, life can sometimes be very busy. If needed, one can also do just the NSB Form™ exercise if, at that moment, one only has, for example, less than half an hour to care for and love themselves.

Contact to Tapio Sippoin.


perjantai 21. helmikuuta 2025

NSB Form™, Hermoston Tasapainotus Liikesarja


Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method on suomalainen terveyttä ja elämänlaatua parantava innovaatio. Siinä yhdistyy kolme terveyttä hoitavaa asiaa. Nämä ovat luonnollisen elinvoiman vahvistaminen, fysioterapeuttinen itsehoito ja psykoterapeuttinen kehotyö. Niiden seurauksena Kehoälyn harjoittajan hermosto vahvistuu ja tasapainottuu. Eräs tärkeä hermoston vahvistamisen harjoitus on NSB Form™, eli suomeksi Hermoston Tasapainotus Liikesarja, englanniksi Neuvous System Balancing Form™.

Kaikki Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® methodin harjoitukset vahvistavat ja tasapainottavat hermostoa ja aivojen toimintakykyä. Osa näistä harjoituksista vaatii harjoittelijalta suhteellisen hyvä terveyttä ja kohtuullisen normaalia hermoston kuntoa. Sen vuoksi Tapio Sippoin kehitti 90-luvulla korostuneen lempeän ja hermostoa täsmähoitavan liikesarjan (NSB Form™), jolla hermoston terveyttä voivat hoitaa myös ne, joilla on vakavampia haasteita hermoston ja terveyden kanssa. 

NSB Form™ on erittäin monikäyttöinen Kehoälyn harjoitus, sillä se sopii tavallisille ihmisille, työelämän stressiä hoitaville, suorituksiaan optimoiville huippu-urheilijoille, hermoston sairauksista toipuville ja niille, jotka haluavat oleellisesti hidastaa vanhenemisen tuottamia negatiivisia hermostollisia vaikutuksia.


Lempeän harjoittelun toimintatapa ja NSB Form™

NSB Form™ on erittäin lempeä harjoitus ja sen oppiminen on kohtuullisen nopeaa, sillä se sisältää käytännössä vain kolmen tyyppisiä harjoituksia, joita tehdään koko kehon alueelle. Nämä ovat kontaktikierto, käsikehä ja kämmenvaihto. Niiden avulla voi tehokkaasti mutta samalla riittävän lempeästi vahvistaa hermostoa, vaikka hermosto olisi suhteellisen heikossakin kunnossa Kehoälyn harjoittelun aloitushetkellä.

Kaikki Kehoälyn harjoittelu hoitaa ja vahvistaa hermostoa. NSB Form™ harjoittelun ytimessä on sama perusharjoite kuin Elävöittävässä liikesarjassa, eli Virtaava asento (englanniksi FreeFlow™ Stance). Siitä kannattaa lukea erikseen täältä. 

Tunteet ja Kehoäly

Kehoälyn harjoittelu vahvistaa ja tasapainottaa tunne-elämää, sekä on osallisena luomassa elämälle mielekkyyttä. Ihmisen keskushermoston, aivojen ja ääreishermoston välinen yhteistyö on terveyden kannalta erittäin oleellista, ja juuri tähän Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method tuo huippuunsa hiottua ja ainutlaatuista erityisosaamista. Kehoälyn ydin on mielen ja kehon välinen paras mahdollinen kommunikaatio. Ilman kehon ja mielen välistä toimivaa kommunikaatiota ihminen on vailinainen ja elämä on surkeaa tai huonolaatuista. Tämän vuoksi viisas tekee Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® methodin harjoituksia.

Aivot ja Kehoäly

Fyysisessä mielessä Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® harjoittelun keskiössä ovat aivot. Kehoälyn taitojen yksi tarkoitus on auttaa ihmistä sopeutumaan muutoksiin. Aivot ovat jatkuvassa muutoksessa koko elämän ajan. Neuroplastisuuden ansiosta aivot voivat mukautua uusiin kokemuksiin, oppia uusia asioita ja toipua vammoista. Tämä tarkoittaa, että vanhempanakin voi oppia uusia taitoja, esimerkiksi käyttämään luovasti kehoa, ratkaisemaan ongelmia, soittamaan instrumenttia tai oppimaan vierasta kieltä. Säännöllinen Kehoälyn harjoittelu parantaa unen laatua ja kehon kykyä levätä ja palautua. Uni on äärimmäisen tärkeää aivojen toiminnalle. Uni ei vain auta meitä palautumaan fyysisesti, vaan se myös auttaa aivojamme käsittelemään ja järjestämään tietoa. Unen aikana aivot "puhdistavat ja siivoavat" itseään ja vahvistavat oppimamme asioita.

Suomalaisen ihmisen aivot painavat keskimäärin noin 1,3–1,4 kiloa, mutta ne sisältävät yli 86 miljardia neuronia. Tämä tekee aivoista yhden kehosi monimutkaisimmista elimistä. Aivoilla ei ole kipureseptoreita eikä tunteita, mutta kuitenkin aivot ovat ne, jotka luovat meille kaikki miellyttävät kokemukset, tuottavat luovuuden, kyvyn ratkoa ongelmia ja muut mielekkään elämän kannalta tärkeät kognitiiviset taidot. Juuri tässä mielessä Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® method vahvistaa ja hoitaa hermostoa. 

NSB Form™ on oiva harjoite. Ilman toimivaa hermostoa ja aivoja ihminen on vain tunteeton pala lihaa, nahkalla täytetty vesisäkki. Säännöllinen Kehoälyn harjoittelu vaikuttaa myös aivopuoliskojen väliseen kommunikaatioon. Vaikka molemmat aivopuoliskot työskentelevät yhdessä, ne voivat erikoistua eri tehtäviin. Esimerkiksi vasen aivopuolisko on usein yhteydessä kieleen ja analyyttiseen ajatteluun, kun taas oikea aivopuolisko on enemmän visuaalinen ja luova. Säännöllinen Kehoälyn harjoittelu muuttaa ihmistä niin, että hänen kehollinen toispuoleisuus vähenee ja hänestä tulee kokonaisvaltaisempi myös hermoston osalta. NSB Form™ on helppo ja lempeä tapa aloittaa tällainen harjoittelu.

Aivosi käsittelevät joka hetki hurjan määrän dataa. Yhteen millimetrin kokoiseen palaseen aivojasi mahtuu yli 2000 teratavua tietoa ja jo pelkästään siihen voidaan tallentaa helposti yli 200 miljardia kertaa tämän kirjoitukseni verran informaatiota. Aivojen osuus kehon painosta on vain 2 prosenttia, mutta ne vievät kuitenkin yli 20 prosenttia kehon energiankulutuksesta. Aivosi ovat aineyksikköä kohti laskettuna kallein ylläpitämäsi elin. Vastineeksi siitä, niiden pitäisi olla myös uskomattoman tehokkaat. Säännöllinen Kehoälyn harjoittelu saattaa lisätä tuota tehokkuutta. 

Voit tehdä ensin Elävöittävän liikesarjan

Kehoälyn harjoittelua on opetettu jo yli 30 vuotta. Kyseessä on lempeä terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin keskittyvä menetelmä, jolla on konkreettisia positiivisia vaikutuksia terveyteen. Yksi Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® harjoittelun kulmakivistä on Elävöittävä liikesarja (Vital Form®), jota Tapio Sippoin opetti ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1983. Elävöittävä liikesarja on enemmän kuin tavallisen terveysliikunnan liikesarja, sillä se aktivoi ja vahvistaa sekä kehoa että mieltä ohjaten harjoittelijoita syvempään yhteyteen sisäisen elinvoimansa kanssa. Elävöittävä liikesarjan yksinkertaisuus tekee siitä kaikille helposti opittavan kunnosta riippumatta. 

Elävöittävän liikesarjan selkeys varmistaa, että jokainen, riippumatta lähtötasostaan, voi osallistua ja hyötyä sen harjoittamisesta. On suositeltavaa, että Kehoälyn harjoittaja tekee ensin Elävöittävän liikesarjan ja sen perään NSB Form™ harjoituksen. Elämä voi olla toisinaan kuitenkin erittäin kiireistä. Tarvittaessa voi tehdä myös pelkästään NSB Form™ harjoituksen, jos ihmisellä juuri sillä hetkellä ei satu olemaan kuin esim. alle puoli tuntia aikaa hoitaa ja rakastaa itseään. 


Who is Tapio Sippoin


History and meaning of the Kehoäly Body Intelligence method


Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® = Good Gain with a Tender, Gentle Attitude

Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® is a health method designed to enhance work capacity and alleviate stress. It uniquely fosters health, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and various cognitive skills. The approach incorporates gentle self-care practices, awareness of vitality, exercises to strengthen the nervous system, and a range of functional health movements. Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training combines the best elements of physiotherapeutic self-care, psychotherapeutic bodywork, and natural vitality awareness. However, it is neither physiotherapy nor psychotherapy; rather, it represents a holistic form of psychophysical self-care through bodywork. Furthermore, Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® is an essential skill for maintaining and enhancing work capacity.

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sunnuntai 9. helmikuuta 2025

Learn how to do The FreeFlow™ Stance

The Finnish Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method includes a wide range of versatile and effective health exercises. The most fundamental basic exercise is The Vital Form™, and at its key foundational exercise is The FreeFlow™ Stance (in Finnish Virtaava asento). 

For more information about The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method in eleven languages, visit (Welcome to The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method educational library. You will find The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® lecture videos as well as practical instructional videos. There you can find information about Body Intelligence® in several languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Flemish, Swedish, and Finnish. You can select your preferred language from the menu in the top right corner.)

The Vital Form™ includes several versions, each with its own specific function depending on what each practitioner needs in their particular situation. Generally, Tapio Sippoin teaches beginners of The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method the so-called regular Vital Form™ first. It consists of over 70 healthy micro-exercises. Once this is learned, The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method practitioner can move on to the so-called extensive Vital Form™, which contains well over a hundred healthy micro-exercises. In Finnish, the name of The Vital Form™ is Elävöittävä liikesarja®.

Other versions of The Vital Form™ include one designed for rehabilitation and older individuals, as well as a variation focused on mastering FreeFlow™ skills. Longer version of The Vital Form™ is an extended and more diverse version of The Vital Form™, that is specifically designed to strengthen and heal the nervous system. All variations of The The Vital Form™ are entirely based on The FreeFlow™ Stance of The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method. The Vital Form™ comprises over 100 micro-exercises, all of which originate from the FreeFlow™ Stance and always return to it.

The FreeFlow™ Stance is relaxed and vibrant. When we stand in it, we are in harmony with the force of gravity, allowing our internal organs, brain, and nervous system to rest and recover from the stresses of everyday life. With The FreeFlow™ Stance, you can release stress and restore the latent potential of your Body Intelligence to its rightful value.


Master Tapio Sippoin teaching The FreeFlow Stance to Juha Jäntti ja Olli Posti.


Initially, The FreeFlow™ Stance and maintaining it might seem amusingly challenging. This is often due to the inherent tensions in the body and incorrect postures that do not support optimal vitality. As a result, The FreeFlow™ Stance may differ significantly from a person's usual stance. This practice is a crucial component of Body Intelligence and serves as the most important exercise within The Vital Form™.

In The FreeFlow™ Stance, the internal organs enjoy maximum space and can relax completely. This makes The FreeFlow™ Stance highly beneficial for overall health. Most of the health movements in The Vital Form™ (micro-exercises) originate from this position, with a few exceptions. During the movements, the back, legs, and head remain in The FreeFlow™ Stance unless specific movements require otherwise. After completing The Vital Form™, as well as between sessions and during breaks, you can take a moment to stand in the FreeFlow™ Stance, allowing yourself to feel the soothing flow of vitality within you. 


This is how You can do The FreeFlow Stance!

The world is changing, and people are changing every day. The Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® Method supports us through this ongoing transformation. Because of the ever-changing nature of our lives, The FreeFlow™ Stance varies slightly for each individual every day, as we ourselves are somewhat different from who we were yesterday. Therefore, practicing the Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method is a continuous process of positive empowerment. Kehoäly also serves as a meditative skill. When practicing The FreeFlow™ Stance, the power of the mind plays a crucial role. Utilize your mind to help you achieve a state of maximum relaxation in The FreeFlow™ Stance.

At the outset of your learning journey, the FreeFlow™ Stance may present a challenge to your body, which has spent years adapting to improper standing postures and alignment patterns. You may have unconsciously tensed various muscles while standing, and you might not have experienced a true sense of relaxation and connection to the ground, as well as a harmonious relationship with gravity.

The FreeFlow Stance.

With The FreeFlow™ Stance, you learn to befriend the force of gravity; your body rests on the ground while simultaneously feeling your spine relax and stretch healthily. In The FreeFlow™ Stance, your posture is both upright and relaxed. You know you have mastered The FreeFlow™ Stance when you can stand in it for a couple of hours and feel more refreshed afterward than when you began.

A beginner should keep in mind the principles of Gentle Practice and Slow Hurry (or 'take your time') from The Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method when starting to learn The FreeFlow™ Stance. Initially, The FreeFlow™ Stance may feel heavy, as it exposes accumulated poor posture habits and muscle tension in the body. In The FreeFlow™ Stance, the goal is to stand as relaxed as possible. However, as the body begins to realign itself, beginners may find that they need to tense their muscles slightly at first in order to gradually adopt the relaxed and upright posture of The FreeFlow™ Stance correctly.


If a beginner is dealing with high blood pressure, it is essential to take this into consideration. The FreeFlow™ Stance can enhance overall health, and often, individuals may find that their high blood pressure decreases significantly while practicing it, which can be quite surprising. Therefore, those with high blood pressure should start by practicing The FreeFlow™ Stance for just a few minutes at a time. Consistent practice, ideally on a daily basis, is crucial for mastering The Kehoäly Body Intelligence Method. Even a small amount of practice each day from the outset can be beneficial.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring that your toes are pointing straight ahead. The center line of your feet should align directly forward, not just the big toes. If needed, measure the width of your shoulders, as some individuals may have a skewed perception of this measurement. Beginners may choose to position their feet approximately five centimeters wider than shoulder-width for the first few weeks to better understand the significance of a stable standing position in a lateral direction, particularly for Kehoäly Body Intelligence and the FreeFlow™ Stance.


Maintain an even distribution of your body weight across both feet. Ensure that the weight on each foot is equally balanced between the ball and the heel, as well as evenly distributed across the inner and outer edges. The midpoint of the ball of your foot and the midpoint of your heel should create a line that extends forward and backward with consistent width.

Maintain a slight bend in your knees, ensuring that the knee joints are not locked but rather gently flexed. However, your knees should not extend past the line of your toes; they should be only slightly bent. Keep your shoulders and arms relaxed, allowing them to hang freely at your sides. Position your head comfortably between your shoulders. Direct your gaze just below your eyebrows, looking straight ahead. Cultivate an inner awareness of stretching upward, as if you are being gently lifted from the crown of your head.


You connect with the ground beneath you, sensing the way it cradles your body. The earth envelops you, providing support and reminding you that it is a steadfast friend on which you can rest your feet. This connection allows your muscles to remain largely relaxed, conserving energy for your brain and nervous system. Imagine your pelvis resting gently atop your legs. Bring your attention to your tailbone, which extends downward. Your buttocks are relaxed, and your lower abdomen is at ease. Your chest is open, and your upper back is free from tension.

For many individuals who spend excessive time at the computer, a subtle postural issue may have developed over the years, causing the head to protrude slightly forward, beyond the shoulders. If you find yourself in this position, where your head is slightly pushed forward, consider practicing better posture using The FreeFlow™ Stance. To do this, gently push the back of your head backward while allowing your gaze to shift beneath your eyebrows. Be careful not to lift your chin; instead, maintain a neutral position for your neck. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed at your sides and your arms hang loosely by your body. Essentially, aim to move your head back in line with your shoulders. Remember to do this as relaxed, softly, and gently as possible.

In an optimal The FreeFlow™ Stance, your back remains relaxed and straight, as if someone is gently lifting you from the crown of your head.

At the same time, the soles of your feet sink into the ground, and your spine gently stretches and lengthens. Do this as relaxed and gently as possible, allowing your spine to lengthen while feeling the strength of your legs on the ground.

You are now in an excellent The FreeFlow™ Stance. Your entire body is completely relaxed, and your breath is flowing freely through your nose. 

 You can gently shake your abdomen, back, and buttocks with your hands to ensure they are relaxed. Additionally, you can scratch your body in areas that feel good or where you want to boost your energy, such as on your head and neck.


Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® = Good Gain with a Tender, Gentle Attitude

Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® is a health method designed to enhance work capacity and alleviate stress. It uniquely fosters health, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and various cognitive skills. The approach incorporates gentle self-care practices, awareness of vitality, exercises to strengthen the nervous system, and a range of functional health movements. Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training combines the best elements of physiotherapeutic self-care, psychotherapeutic bodywork, and natural vitality awareness. However, it is neither physiotherapy nor psychotherapy; rather, it represents a holistic form of psychophysical self-care through bodywork. Furthermore, Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® is an essential skill for maintaining and enhancing work capacity.

Who is Tapio Sippoin


Elevate your well-being with Kehoäly® Body Intelligence®—a revolutionary health method meticulously crafted to boost your work capacity and melt away stress. This transformative approach not only promotes health but also ignites creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and sharpens cognitive abilities.

Immerse yourself in gentle self-care practices that cultivate vitality, engage in exercises designed to fortify your nervous system, and explore a diverse array of functional health movements. Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® training masterfully blends the finest aspects of physiotherapeutic self-care, psychotherapeutic bodywork, and natural vitality awareness.

It's important to note that Kehoäly® Body Intelligence® transcends traditional physiotherapy and psychotherapy; it embodies a holistic approach to psychophysical self-care through bodywork. By integrating these powerful techniques into your routine, you hold the key to not just maintaining but also enhancing your work capacity. Unlock your potential and thrive with Kehoäly® Body Intelligence®!




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